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SN54LS93 - 产品图解:
SN54LS93-4 位二进制计数器
TI产品 - SN54LS93介绍
SN54LS93 - 4 位二进制计数器

SN54LS93是TI公司的一款计数器/算术/奇偶校验功能产品,SN54LS93是4 位二进制计数器,本页介绍了SN54LS93的产品说明、应用、特性等,并给出了与SN54LS93相关的TI元器件型号供参考。

SN54LS93 - 4 位二进制计数器 - 计数器/算术/奇偶校验功能 - 特殊逻辑 - TI公司(Texas Instruments,德州仪器)


Each of these monolithic counters contains four master-slave flip-flops and additional gating to provide a divide-by-two counter and a three-stage binary counter for which the count cycle length is divide-by-five for the '90A and 'LS90, divide-by-six for the '92A and 'LS92, and the divide-by eight for the '93A and 'LS93.

All of these counters have a gated zero reset and the '90A and 'LS90 also have gated set-to-nine inputs for use in BCD nine's complement applications.

To use their maximum count length (decade, divide-by-twelve, or four-bit binary) of these counters, the CKB input is connected to the QA output. The input count pulses are applied to CKA input and the outputs are as described in the appropriate function table. A symmetrical divide-by-ten count can be obtained from the '90A or 'LS90 counters by connecting the QD output to the CKA input and applying the input count to the CKB input which gives a divide-by-ten square wave at output QA.


  • '90A, 'LS90 . . . Decade Counters
  • '92A, 'LS92 . . . Divide By-Twelve Counters
  • '93A, 'LS93 . . . 4-Bit Binary Counters
TYPES TYPICAL POWER DISSIPATION '90A 145 mW '92A, '93A 130 mW 'LS90, 'LS92, 'LS93 45 mW

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