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DAC900 - 产品图解:
DAC900-10 位 165MSPS SpeedPlus(TM) DAC,可伸缩电流输出在 2mA 与 20mA 之间
TI产品 - DAC900介绍
DAC900 - 10 位 165MSPS SpeedPlus(TM) DAC,可伸缩电流输出在 2mA 与 20mA 之间

DAC900是TI公司的一款高速DAC(>10MSPS)产品,DAC900是10 位 165MSPS SpeedPlus(TM) DAC,可伸缩电流输出在 2mA 与 20mA 之间,本页介绍了DAC900的产品说明、应用、特性等,并给出了与DAC900相关的TI元器件型号供参考。

DAC900 - 10 位 165MSPS SpeedPlus(TM) DAC,可伸缩电流输出在 2mA 与 20mA 之间 - 高速DAC(>10MSPS) - 数模转换器 - TI公司(Texas Instruments,德州仪器)


The DAC900 is a high-speed, Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) offering a 10-bit resolution option within the SpeedPlus family of high-performance converters. Featuring pin compatibility among family members, the DAC908, DAC902, and DAC904 provide a component selection option to an 8-, 12-, and 14-bit resolution, respectively. All models within this family of DACs support update rates in excess of 165MSPS with excellent dynamic performance,and are especially suited to fulfill the demands of a variety of applications.

The advanced segmentation architecture of the DAC900 is optimized to provide a high Spurious-Free Dynamic Range (SFDR) for single-tone, as well as for multi-tone signals—essential when used for the transmit signal path of communication systems.

The DAC900 has a high impedance (200k) current output with a nominal range of 20mA and an output compliance of up to 1.25V. The differential outputs allow for both a differential or single-ended analog signal interface. The close matching of the current outputs ensures superior dynamic performance in the differential configuration, which can be implemented with a transformer.

Utilizing a small geometry CMOS process, the monolithic DAC900 can be operated on a wide, single-supply range of +2.7V to +5.5V. Its low power consumption allows for use in portable and battery-operated systems. Further optimization can be realized by lowering the output current with the adjustable full-scale option.

For noncontinuous operation of the DAC900, a power-down mode results in only 45mW of standby power.

The DAC900 comes with an integrated 1.24V bandgap reference and edge-triggered input latches, offering a complete converter solution. Both +3V and +5V CMOS logic families can be interfaced to the DAC900.

The reference structure of the DAC900 allows for additional flexibility by utilizing the on-chip reference, or applying an external reference. The full-scale output current can be adjusted over a span of 2mA to 20mA, with one external resistor, while maintaining the specified dynamic performance.

The DAC900 is available in SO-28 and TSSOP-28 packages.


  • HIGH SFDR: 5MHz Output at 100MSPS: 68dBc
  • LOW GLITCH: 3pV-s
  • LOW POWER: 170mW at +5V
  • INTERNAL REFERENCE: Optional Ext. Reference Adjustable Full-Scale Range Multiplying Option
    • COMMUNICATION TRANSMIT CHANNELS WLL, Cellular Base Station Digital Microwave Links Cable Modems
    • WAVEFORM GENERATION Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) Arbitrary Waveform Generation (ARB)

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