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SN74HC374 - 产品图解:
SN74HC374-具有三态输出的八路边沿 D 类触发器
TI产品 - SN74HC374介绍
SN74HC374 - 具有三态输出的八路边沿 D 类触发器

SN74HC374是TI公司的一款D类触发器产品,SN74HC374是具有三态输出的八路边沿 D 类触发器,本页介绍了SN74HC374的产品说明、应用、特性等,并给出了与SN74HC374相关的TI元器件型号供参考。

SN74HC374 - 具有三态输出的八路边沿 D 类触发器 - D类触发器 - 触发器/锁存器/寄存器 - TI公司(Texas Instruments,德州仪器)


These 8-bit flip-flops feature 3-state outputs designed specifically for driving highly capacitive or relatively low-impedance loads. They are particularly suitable for implementing buffer registers, I/O ports, bidirectional bus drivers, and working registers.

The eight flip-flops of the \x92HC374 devices are edge-triggered D-type flip-flops. On the positive transition of the clock (CLK) input, the Q outputs are set to the logic levels that were set up at the data (D) inputs.

An output-enable (OE) input places the eight outputs in either a normal logic state (high or low logic levels) or the high-impedance state. In the high-impedance state, the outputs neither load nor drive the bus lines significantly. The high-impedance state and increased drive provide the capability to drive bus lines without interface or pullup components.

OE does not affect the internal operations of the flip-flops. Old data can be retained or new data can be entered while the outputs are in the high-impedance state.

To ensure the high-impedance state during power up or power down, OE should be tied to VCC through a pullup resistor; the minimum value of the resistor is determined by the current-sinking capability of the driver.


  • Wide Operating Voltage Range of 2 V to 6 V
  • High-Current 3-State True Outputs Can Drive Up To 15 LSTTL Loads
  • Eight D-Type Flip-Flops in a Single Package
  • Full Parallel Access for Loading
  • Low Power Consumption, 80-µA Max ICC
  • Typical tpd = 14 ns
  • ±6-mA Output Drive at 5 V
  • Low Input Current of 1 µA Max

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